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Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test
Adobe CS5 Master Collection + working Patch components
Adobe Bridge CS5
Adobe Contribute CS5
Adobe Device Central CS5
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
Adobe Encore CS5
Adobe Extension Manager CS5
Adobe Fireworks CS5
Adobe Flash Professional CS5
Adobe Flash Builder 4
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5
Adobe Flash CS5
Adobe Help
Adobe Illustrator CS5
Adobe InDesign CS5
Adobe Media Encoder CS5
Adobe OnLocation CS5
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Adobe Soundbooth CS5
Adobe Utilities - CS5
Adobe Media Player
Adobe AIR
Adobe After Effects CS5(if you have 64 bit)

Follow step by step (Screens included below)

NOTE: If you want Illustrator CS5, DO NOT LOAD FROM MASTER COLLECTION.Uncheck it when you get to the load screen.
Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test

Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) included printscreens of test


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